Sunday, February 17, 2008


I am tired. I really had no intention of writing anything tonight, but circumstances beg me to shift my agenda. Sleep can wait.

I recently received an e-mail regarding a new program that Oprah and her friends are advocating via her XM radio show. The program is called "A Course in Miracles." Apparently, the material for this course was delivered via an "inner voice" to a female professor several decades ago. It was published in the seventies, but only now is gaining a worldwide popularity. Some have claimed it to be the "new age Bible," though I'm not quite sure what that means.

I will first say that I like Oprah. I like her because I believe she is a woman who feels a compulsion to do good, to change others' lives, and to make wise choices. I am not, as I wrote in an e-mail earlier, one to "throw out the sinner with the sin" - or, at least I hope not to be. Therefore, what I write in the next few paragraphs is not an indictment against Oprah or any of her colleagues. I will say, however, that I believe her to be sorely - and, for the moment, treacherously - misguided.

In the Old Testament, God chooses a woman named Esther to be a part of the king's harem. She's Hebrew; the king, in turn, is not. Esther is beautiful - a characteristic that, obviously, was God-given. Her beauty is such that she is highly favored - and given the crown. Shortly after becoming queen, it is brought to Esther's attention that someone close to the king has planned a mass extermination of the Jews. Leaning on the godly wisdom of her uncle, Mordecai, Esther chooses to do something that could very well have elicited her death: she reports the possible annihilation to her husband and ends up saving her people. Of course, as Mordecai explains to her, this is no act of her own but rather, an act of Almighty God, who appoints leaders and those in positions of power to accomplish great things, to make differences, and to bring Him glory. "Esther," Mordecai essentially tells her, "you have perhaps been named queen for such a time as this."

Oprah is a woman, like most of the readers on this blog, who is trying to understand a God who loves her. But she is not walking toward truth. To be sure, she's seeking something. I am not that different from her. But my filter is guarded by the truths of Scripture. What "A Course in Miracles" teaches is derived, not from Scriptural truth, but from what I would wager is the exact opposite. As Paul wrote, we do not "struggle... against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms" (Ephesians 6:!2). Let there be no doubt that the teachings in this "Course in Miracles" are Satanic. I do not mean to dramatize. It is not in my nature to overreact to things of a spiritual matter. But I stand firm in my belief that anything that does not point us to a Christ who is resurrected, and upon whom alone we can depend for salvation, is a work of the enemy.

I am so flustered, my fingers so hurried as I type, my heart pounding in my chest, that I find it hard to ignore the compulsion I feel. perhaps out of the love I have for my Lord, my Savior, my Rock, my Love, my Truest Friend, to consider writing on the Nicene Creed. It seems to me that, if God has allowed Oprah a position of authority, a voice of influence, it is because we - women - are under attack. Open your eyes! This is not a time for dillydallying. Oprah's realm of influence is primarily female. Perhaps we live in an era where women are a threat like they never were before. Or. perhaps we live in an era where they are easier targets, unsure of their security in Christ. Who could doubt it? But, whether either is true, we know that, if we are under attack, we must plant our feet firmly in the truth. We must choose a veritable call to arms. This isn't about persecution or boycott. Not self-help, not religion, not church, not Bible-beating. It's about Jesus. Let us all cry out, "Give me Jesus!" and be done. It was finished, two thousand years ago. Let us not add or subtract from that one, great, critical Work.

I encourage you to visit Oprah's website. Search for the XM radio schedule and, consequently, the "Course in Miracles." It is being taught by an attractive young woman named Marianne Williamson. She looks delightful. Oh, how my heart is hurting for the women who are already under the sway of something so deceptive! And how my blood boils thinking of those whom Satan is plotting, even now, to lure into its grip.

I am led to share with you the words of the Nicene Creed - - because it strikes me that many, many women who claim to be Christians will somehow feel a comfort or a sense of homecoming when hearing Wiliamson's interpretation of these teachings. I pray that, as women in all different places of life, with burdens and heartaches totally unique and particularly gut-wrenching, God will, in His providence and mercy, give you a check in your Spirit - in effect, the wooing of the Holy Spirit, or the very Spirit of Christ - to know that these teachings are deceptive. In sharing this information with others, take heart in remembering that God ordained the king of Persia, Cyrus - who certainly did not know Yahweh - to accomplish His purposes (2 Chronicles 36). It is not beneath nor beyond our creative God to use unbelievers.

Do not be afraid. Though we, too, have been called "for such a time as this," we have also been called to great joy, great compassion and great hope because of this Man, Jesus. He has promised that He is able to keep us from stumbling - and also, that Satan Himself is a "stumbling block, [who does] not have in mind the things of God, but the things of man" (Matthew 16:23). Let us rest - and proclaim truth! - in knowing that, though we will have troubles - and sorrows, and heartaches, and insecurities, and calamities and tragedies - in this world, we can hope! For He has overcome the world.

post signature


Mommynurse said...
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Mommynurse said...

I agree wholeheartedly Boothe. We must help each other identify these "so-called truths", that aren't true at all. The lies of the enemy creep into our mindset so easily, we must stand guard and filter everything through scripture. I'm reading a book that I think you would enjoy, Total Truth by Nancy Pearcy. You may have already read it-but if not, consider putting it on your list of books to read. I will challenge you!

Thomason Family said...

The only thing I can really say is AMEN!!!!!!!

Karla Porter Archer said...

hey hon,

I totally agree. Oprah has been touting Marianne Williamson for years! ...since at LEAST 1994; in fact, I had a copy of that book because when Oprah first had her on (around '94), it sounded so Christian-based. But when I looked into it more and discovered the truth about it I burned it so no one else could get a hold of it from me.

Bless you for this post and for the courage to write it.


mckennah said...

i agree, every time i watch the show i get more and more sad for oprah, she is so misled, imagine the good she could do if she was following the LORD!! wow. thanks for sharing this boothe, i guess we just need to pray for her and her soul. i feel sad and sorry for her.

Vee said...

Boothe, I join in your prayer that those who are exposed to this, these precious people searching for truth, will see thru the enemy's lies and ultimatley find Jesus! Thank you for your words.

Brenda said...

Hi Boothe, I have followed your blog since before your sweet angel was born. You have hit the nail on the head with Oprah. I am a young wife and mother and for so long, I have felt conflicted towards liking her and being annoyed with her. And you have managed to say what I couldn't put into words. She is very secular and "feel good" with a message of empowering woman and such. But I think a lot of times she is calling women away from what truly matters. Thanks for the post. I wish you posted more:)

Courtney said...

Good words, Boothe, by pointing to the Word. I'm a friend of Jennifer B.'s in Memphis, and I recently listened to a sermon titled "Jesus and Oprah" that I know you'd like to hear. Check out the 2/3/08 sermon on the following site:

It's long but worth a careful listen.

-Courtney S.

Just Call Me Grammy said...

Great post.  I could not agree with you more.  I like how you firmly stand for the truth of God's Word, but do not feel led to simply trash Oprah. I feel so sad for her, I think she truly thinks she is a believer and following God, but she has been so badly deceived. The enemy is no dummy--to target a smart, articulate, compassionate and extremely influential woman like Oprah so she can, perhaps unknowingly, spread his agenda. I do not think she is evil, but her influence on so many who are seeking is frightening.  

Lolly said...

Great to read your post! I have been a big Oprah fan for many years. I have tried for hours to call her reservation line for tickets, to no avail. Not anymore. During the past year, I have watched some of her shows with an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach.

In the past, she has said things to make you think she is a believer, and then she will say something that just does not line up with scripture.

On February 6th, she had a show that just blew me away. She had Louise Hey, the author of "You Can Heal Your Life", Martha Beck and Cheryl Richardson, talking about their books and "The Secret". I was watching with my mouth wide open wondering how such intelligent, educated people could actually believe this garbage. The scary thing to me is that because Oprah is who she is, people will check their brain at the door and believe it, because Oprah said it.

When I was watching, I was thinking how sad that there are people that will believe this and think they have found the answer, when in fact, they are being deceived. Very sad and scary!

Jen Crane said...


i found your blog through my sweet friend, kenzie stanfield - i have loved reading your thoughts and know that if we were in closer proximity we would no doubt be friends :)

i'm glad that you felt compelled to write about oprah - i have often watched her show with a heavy heart and thought "if only she was saved..." because she is so seeking something to lighten her load - it's not "eat pray love", "the secret" or this "miracles" book. it's JESUS. maybe we, as women who are in the light, can pray for her (and the thousands of devotees she attracts) to seek & find the ONLY way, the truth and the life in Jesus.

again, thanks for your words, sister. big hugs from texas :)

jen crane

Sunshine said...

Oh I have much to say on this - I got sidetracked and deceived into this very thing - by Marianne Williamson with her teaching tapes on the "Course in Miracles" - it was SO close to the truth but SO far from it. Oh how my heart grieves that Oprah is walking this way!

I can still remember the day that Jesus got my attention - I was baptized at eight and was a "Christian" without really knowing what that meant - as I journeyed through life and the hurts, bumps and bruises came my way I had no foundation to stand on - so like sand I shifted from side to side. Then in college I came upon/was introduced to Marianne Williamson - what began was a QUICK downward spiral. However even when I let go of God He never let go of me...I can remember like it was yesterday - one of the things Marianne Williamson and the New Age Movement say is that there are many pathways to God - I remember buying into that being the "new" "cool" way - acceptable and easier to swallow than what the truth says...however I remember sitting and reading the Word Of God one afternoon shortly after the birth of my first born and Jesus says - I AM THE WAY THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE NO ONE COMES TO THE FATHER EXCEPT THROUGH ME - that pinned me to the floor and I cried out for forgiveness and complete restoration to Him. So sorry to leave such a long comment but AMEN sister for writing this! I am walking proof that if you do not spend time in the Word and know God - not just of Him - you can be easily deceived! Sunshine

Anonymous said...

Amen Boothe! Give me Jesus! Thanks for standing unashamedly for Truth.

Michelle said...

Boothe - I came across your blog from I am not exactly sure where...but I have to tell you that you are one of the strongest women I have ever 'met'. Your strength in Jesus, your strength in family have made me realize today not to be sad for the people and 'things' I do not have in my life but rather rejoice in what I do have and the people who are in my life and help get me through. While reading your blog, I was thinking back on my own life of last fall. My best friend's brother died on August 31st. He had brain cancer. He was diagnosed when he was six and lived so much longer than was ever expected. My mom's best friend had a heart attack on Labor Day and died one week later. I was at funeral serives two Saturday's in a row for loved ones who had been taken much too soon. Thank you for sharing your story and your beautiful inspirations.

Anonymous said...

Wow, Boothe your writing is clear and heartfelt without adding judgment. A lot of your commenters don't seem the same way. And I must question all of you to look very carefully at the words that you say every day. Can any of you truly say that you have never said something that doesn't line up with scripture? Do all of you really believe that because she isn't constantly talking about Jesus that she isn't saved? Is it really any of our places to even make that judgment? How do we know that she isn't following the Lord - she just may do it in a way that is different than you think is "correct" to be able to reach people beyond the pews of the church. The whole tone of the conversations on here seem to smack of self-righteousness and not the humility that we all should carry from being chosen by God as Children of God.

Anonymous said...

This may go completely in the face of the previous comment, but I have, for years, considered Oprah to be one of the "false prophets" scripture warns us about. And it GRIEVES my heart -- because I believe her to be a precious, earnest soul with a HUGE realm of influence, but she is not leading others to Truth. I'm not claiming whether she is or isn't saved -- that certainly isn't for me to determine -- but she is leading women to find the answers "within themselves", and scripture tells us that the heart is deceitful above all!

About 10 years ago, she started a show by reading 1 Corinthians 13, and it was BEAUTIFUL. Then, the show proceeded to tell women that just because he is "Mr. Right" NOW, he may just be "Mr. Right Now" and you don't have to stay in your marriage if it no longer suits you. That's basically the last time I saw her show on purpose.

I just appreciate you pointing out Truth and I pray that each of us can LIVE that truth, so that women seeking Truth will see it in us, not on a TV show.

Sarah S.

Anonymous said...

As always, a wonderful, insightful post. You totally need to write a devotional.

Copelands book arrived today... Boothe, it is totally precious. I've already passed it to a friend. Copeland will touch even more people now!

Amanda said...

Hi Boothe-

I have been following your blog for awhile. Praise God for your heart. I too have watched Oprah with a heavy, burdened heart. You put into words what so many of us want to say. I agree with a blogger below, we need to pray for her and her devoted followers. Thanks for the awesome word. Praise Jesus alone!!

Laurie in Ca. said...

Hi Boothe,

Thank you so much for posting what has been bothering me about Oprah's direction lately. When I first saw Marianne Williamson on her show, my spirit just sank and called fowl. I too am praying for Oprah to find a deeper understanding of Jesus. I am praying that the women who are seeking out the "feel good" gospel of not suffering, no trials, no pain to be touched by the discernment of the Holy Spirit. If it is not leading us to Jesus, it is not of God. The path is narrow, as Jesus states that He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one goes to the Father but by Him. One path, not many paths to the same God. I am praying for the misguided to be confused by this "new age" teaching as I am sure many are already, and find their way to their savior. I don't mean to sound self righteous, I have no room to be. I just hurt for the ones who get misled along the way. Thank you so much for having the courage to bring this out into the Light of the Word.

Love you Boothe, Laurie in Ca.

The Adoption Of William said...

Thank you Boothe! Once again amazingly spoken!

With Love,

William's Mom

Anonymous said...

So I had to take a look at this Course in Miracles to see what you are talking about and I found the following "Quote of the Day":

Quote of the Day
"Often we see a couple who has separated or divorced and look with sadness at the 'failure' of their relationship. But if both people learned what they were meant to learn, then that relationship was a success."

What is that about? God still loves the people, but he is sad about the divorce.
I'm still not sure what all is involved with this course but I am going back to take a look.
Thank you for helping us to be aware.

Jenny said...

You amaze me. I've been following your blog for several months now and I can't even begin to tell you how much your posts have touched me, changed me, really. I'm learning from you, growing as a Christian and am so thankful for your insight.

I haven't watched Oprah for years, however I wholeheartedly agree with what you are saying and appreciate the 'warning' of it all. We all need to PRAY!!!!!

Angie said...


I love that you are making people aware. The people and truths that are the most dangerous are not the ones that openly go against God. Instead they are the ones that sounds so close to the truth. Oprah has great influence because she does so many wonderful things that are to be admired. The only problem is that she embraces a brand of faith that doesn't rely on Jesus and Jesus only.

Jill Garcia (Smith) said...

Your words are filled with truth and I know that the Lord is speaking through you to so many other women who read this blog. Thank you for allowing us a front seat into your life during this season. I check everyday in hopes that there is something new to read. You are gifted and we are all blessed by your words of encouragement and honesty!!


~Amy~ said...

Wow! I had no idea about this and I am going to pray for the women that follow Oprah. This is a work of the enemy. We all need to seek the face of Jesus and put a stop to the enemy's work here.
I have been following your blog for a while and I tell you "you are one amazing God loving women!" Keep strong in your faith you are inspiring alot of women that read your blog to grow in their relationship with the Lord Jesus.

Anonymous said...

I found your blog through Kelley Brown Brown :) You are an amazing writer and just drew me closer to my Saviour as I read your words. I love you as my sister in Christ!

Laurie in Ca. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

You are such a great writer and have conveyed your point so passionately and yet without offense. Please send this to Oprah, or the people that read her email. You did a great job.

Ronda Kay said...

Hi Boothe! I am a new reader to your blog. I want you to know that I truly believe the Spirit is burdening the hearts of believing women. Within the past few days I, too, have felt led to write a post about Oprah. You are so eloquent though, I decided to write a post directing others to your blog. Thank you so much!

susan said...

I agree with Ronda Kay, in fact, I, also, linked to your blog from mine. Hope you don't mind. Thankyou for so eloquently giving a voice to this concern. BTW, you and all the other T-18 families are still in my prayers. Prayers & Blessings from Susan in Amarillo, TX

Abby said...

Well said, thank you!

Stilla Momma said...

What scares me about Oprah is her "catchall" truth. People like her, Wayne Dyer, Suze Orman, Creflo Dollar, Joel Osteen, etc. mix and water down the truth so much that it is hard to tell what is Christ and what is not. WE live in such a relativistic society, where, if you believe, it's ok, that people are perishing for lack of knowledge.

I thank God so much for your mind. You have been able to see Truth not only in this and share it with others, but in your personal life, through tragedy, still able to see Jesus and process. It is amazing to be led by the Spirit of the living God and not be man and his machinations.

There is a generation of people, namely women, who are being led astray and think that truth is whatever the mind deems it to me, and that is a theory straight from the pit of hell. Thanks for your blog. First time commenter, long time lurker and adoptive mom. God bless you.

Stilla Momma said...

Let's make some 3am post corrections. (kiddo was awake and I am reading BLOGS?) lol go figure...

I meant to say...

"It is amazing to be led by the Spirit of the living God and not BY man and his machinations.

"There is a generation of people, namely women, who are being led astray and think that truth is whatever the mind deems it to BE, and that is a theory straight from the pit of hell."

lol NOW the editor in me can go to sleep and so can I :)

Anonymous said...

While I admire your passion, it concerns me that such comments are being shared in the name of Christ. They seem judgemental and hurtful. I think as followers of Christ we need first and foremost live and walk in love and let that love draw others to us so that we may share Christ with them.

Anonymous said...

I stopped watching Oprah about a year ago. Its good to know I'm not the only one having doubts about her. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
Cindy in Nashville

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your clear but passionate perspective on this Booth. I am a little flustered though by some of the comments. I am glad to see that there are at least a few people commenting on here that are thinking this thing through and not just running immediately to the fear in all of this. We are not to live in a spirit of fear. Correct? I agree with the statement made above that said "The whole tone of the conversations on here seems to smack of self-righteousness and not the humility that we all should carry from being chosen by God as Children of God." Boothe, I loved your words too that said, don't throw out the sinner with the sin". This woman has done incredible things for the masses. Certainly God is using her to accomplish HIS plan. It seems as if people spend too much time fearing the devil instead of living in the power of their salvation. God already reigns folks. And He works all things together according to his purposes. Judgment is NOT our job.

bdodge said...

One of the ways we know we are in the presence of a believer is ~ our spirit bears witness. I believe that to be true with you. Thank you for the insight!

Ashley said...

I got an email from my aunt asking me if I had heard about this "Course in Miracles" and I hadn't, but then I came to read your blog!
I decided to look at their website to see what they teach before I jumped to make a judgment call. Withou offering my own opinion on it, here are a couple of quotes from ACIM: "God's Name is holy, but no holier than yours. To call upon His Name is but to call upon your own." -Lesson 183. "You are the holy Son of God Himself. And with this holy thought you learn as well that you have freed the world." -Lesson 191. "Even in this world, it is I who rule my destiny. What happens is what I desire. What does not occur is what I do not want to happen." -Lesson 253. "Your holiness is the salvation of the world, and your own." - Lesson 39. There are some disturbing teachings about sickness in their material, but I'll end it there.
Whatever this is, it is not consistent with God's Word. And that's not being judgmental, it's just a fact.
Thanks for your post.

Laurie in Ca. said...

Hi Boothe,

I just wanted to let you know I received my copy of Copeland's book today and it is just precious. Such beautiful pictures, your heart in your posts, just perfect. Lord bless you and Conor, giving you the desire of your hearts.

Love, Laurie in Ca.

Ashley said...

ps . . . I wasn't trying to insinuate that you (or anyone else) was "jumping to make a judgment call", I've just heard from several non-Christians who are enamored of this course that they think Christians are being judgmental about it.
I whole-heartedly agree with your assessment of it and most importantly, your call to prayer for women who might be influenced by it.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your comment on this issue. I would like to suggest a great book to read -When the Enemy Strikes by Charles Stanley. On page 53, he writes "We (Christ followers) are to judge behavior as good or bad. We are to know what is right and wrong, good and bad, effective and ineffective, true and untrue. The Bible tells us 'The time has come for judgement to begin at the house of God' (1 Peter 4:17). Believers, especially, are to have sound judgement based upon accurate discernment." God calls His people to be able to discern these things. I thank you for calling attention to all of us who love God. We must know truth! Leigh Ann Osteen

Ronda Kay said...

I agree with Leigh Ann. You can be discerning without being judgmental per se. It is okay to say that someone is teaching falsely. The Word of God tells us so. We can still love Oprah (the person), but that doesn't mean we have to agree with her or even choose to watch her program.

Pea Pod Mommy said...

My favorite group, Casting Crowns, has a song that has lyrics that say "...stop asking Oprah what to do." That is absolutely what needs to happen. "What if God's people prayed"?

Anonymous said...

thank you for sharing boothe. something that i've learned, as a Christian in this post-modern era, is that most people don't like to acknowledge that there is absolute TRUTH. i appreciate, that in the face of some adversity, you are willing to hold to the TRUTH and not waiver. it has taken me a long time to work through post-modernism as a Christian. thanks for reminding me of this self-metamorphosis and for holding believing women to a standard that cannot be questioned - The WORD of God.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to read this. The Course in Miracles is just another teaching that is relevant to some. Not all. It doesn't have to be approved by you or any other Christian. I don't follow your same faith. I believe Jesus was a great teacher. But organized religions seem very intolerant, judgemental and use a lot of fear to get people to believe. Of course you will say I am misled, but I believe I have found the truth in nature. In the simple blooming of a flower...that is God. Not a pastor telling me if I don't do this and that and believe this and that I am going to suffer a life in hell. I know about the Course in Miracles, but I don't study it. I'm only saying it has helped people. There is no enemy...only God. I don't believe there is Satan...only God. God is everything, everywhere, everyBODY. When we can see God in everyone, we will know the truth. We won't have to tell everyone they are "mislead" or following an enemy. We won't call other's beliefs "lies". I wish you a healthy and happy life full of peace and joyful moments. Hopefully we can rid this earth of fear and intolerance and create a planet of universal love and service to ALL. Not just Christians.

Anonymous said...

You may have seen this before, but I just thought I'd post it here. It's like Angie said, Oprah doesn't rely on Jesus alone.

SnodsAbroad said...

I just discovered your blogpage and have been reading through it and the links to other similar blogs all afternoon. I lost my daughter, Priya, on Jan. 1, 08 to fetal hydrops. She lived 14 hours. It is encouraging to be connected to "fellow sufferers," those who have gone through similar circumstances. I was impressed by your bold declaration of the Truth. You can read Priya's story on our blog if you're interested:

Kim ( said...

I am so thankful for your conviction to share truth with such a heavy heart for christians and non christians alike who may be struggling and searching for Jesus. I know I am struggling and I know that I do not have the energy or the heart to "dig deep" right now. Luckily I have always (since I was a little girl) been scared of anything besides the bible and the truths that are in it, but I have never gone through what I just did (the loss of Mary Grace) and I can see how easily someone with a broken heart could stumble upon anything that seems to have hope in it, thinking it's Jesus. I pray for protection for all the vulnerable hearts out there and I praise him for speaking through you. I hope you can see through all the comments you get how God is using you.
With love, Kim

Sandy M. said...

Great post Boothe. I would also add to your blog readers to beware of her current Oprah book club selection "A New Earth." It's more of the same content and unBiblical. I pray for the continued healing for your sweet family.

Plano, TX

Anonymous said...

I also agree, Boothe, with your statements. I like Oprah as a person, I see her as someone wanting to do so much good (and accomplishing that), but this "Course in Miracles" involved trickery, and it is complicated to pinpoint it.


Anonymous said...

Just stumbled across your blog and I just wanted to say - VERY WELL SAID. I have been struggling to put how I feel about this Course in Miracles into words, and it looks like you found the right words.

God bless...

Kourtni said...

I have been following your story for awhile now and you and your beautiful family amaze me! If it is ok with you I have added your link onto my blog. If you would like it removed I am more then willing to do that! Thank you for sharing your story with us!

The Petro Family said...

I hope that you don't mind that I posted this link to this blog on my blog. I have a lot of women who would love to hear your perspective. We all try and find the words to say how we feel, but you said it all for us. Amen!

Anonymous said...

How very open-minded of you. Please be aware that what is your truth is not necessarily everyone else's.
I don't agree with Catholic television shows and books so I don't watch and read them. I don't rant and rave about it - some people need that.
Oprah is not wrong and misguided simply for having different ideas and beliefs than you.

Anonymous said...

The ideas in question are not those of the blog author; they are the truth spoken by Jesus Christ. Our limited perspective as humans does not allow us to see/understand exactly how God sees; He only gives us glimpses into his glory. What seems to be intolerance, judgement, etc. are only that in the world's definitions of the terms. We live in a fallen world, but have a sovereign Lord who reigns on High. Don't be deceived, b/c everything that God creates, Satan tries to counterfeit. Just take a look a Revelation (and its Old Testament counterpart Daniel)and you will see this.

Most who do not believe in the TRUTH have never done a thorough study of God's word or had an encounter with the Holy Spirit...only judge the validity of Jesus by witnessing the imperfection of HUMANS (who call themselves Christians and may or may not be Believers...heck, even true believers are imperfect..that is why we need a Savior!!) and let that be their litmus paper, instead of looking at the Creator Himself. If you truly come into Christ's presence, any non-believer will not doubt who He is.

Cathy Hengst Photography said...

So well said Boothe. I had to link this on my blog. Thank you for spaking from your heart and being a light to the world!

Anonymous said...

Amy, I wonder how some of the disciples doubted that Jesus was their savior even though they were in his physical presence and witnessing the miracles performed. Was Christ not in the presence of Jesus at that time? Was it wholly an apparition - thus recusing the disciples from truly being in the "presence of Christ" and thus explaining some lack of belief? Your statements are very strong and bold and I would challenge you to see another side. Following your logic, I would then have to say that when one doubts Christ, one is thus not in Christ's presence. So in times of extreme trial when our faith is tested, Christ leaves us alone? What a warm, loving thought.

Anonymous said...

Meg, Thank you for your comment.

I have lived the other side of my statements and did so for many years...testing and challenging. I was not brought up in the church, but found and accepted Christ after college.

You are right that the disciples did some doubting, some major doubting...even Peter, who became the most outspoken and determined of the original 12 disciples to spread the gospel, according to the New Testament in Acts, denied the Christ three times. Why? because He was human and had limited understanding of who Christ was. Sometimes even when we are in someone's physical presence, we aren't truly in their presence. However, after the resurrection and Peter firsthand witnessed Jesus' ascention and the giving of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, there was no doubt that Peter had been in the presence of Christ, accepted Him, and proclaimed it to the world unto his own death.

After reading your comment, I feel that I may not have been clear in what I meant by coming into Christ presence. To me, that means accepting that Christ died on the cross because I am sinner and cannot save myself and He made the sacrifice for me and seeing Him for who He truly is...the King of glory. That is coming into His presence and once I have accepted that, I am never without Him, as the Holy Spirit dwells inside of me. So, when I don't feel Christ is with me (ie. in extreme trials or even in the day to day when things don't go my way), it isn't because He isn't there, it is because I am not choosing to see Him there. His ways are not our ways. (Thank goodness)

Anonymous said...

I enjoy reading your blog, Boothe. You explain your thoughts so eloquently. I appreciate your take on the Oprah situation and hope that it will at least challenge people to investigate it before jumping in and believing it because it is supported by an icon like Oprah. I believe the same things are happening by people following celebrities into scientology without investigating first.

I also enjoy reading the posts. It challenges me. I usually don't post, but I have especially enjoyed reading the comments this time. I don't think expressing your opinion is ranting and raving. Why is it considered a rant when it is a Christian view, but a simply a viewpoint or educated discussion when not? After all, this is your blog and you don't force anyone to read. That also makes me think about free will that God gives us in choosing to follow whatever we choose, be it him or not. People can be mislead by their own free will.

Anonymous said...

This one really stirred up the muck!
I love what eh in Nashville said. Every other religion, cult, or group in the world is allowed to freely express and stand up for their beliefs. It is only the christian people whose rights are taken away, who are told we can't practice our beliefs, and are not allowed to talk about it.
Isn't the christian church being persecuted a sign of the end times coming? Yippee! Can't wait to see God soon. And put an end to all of these "Debates".

willzmom said...

I stop by and read your blog often, have never commented before but I just this week received an email about this program on XM. I too was shocked, then I thought to myself, why am I shocked? Oprah is a celebrity-albeit one that does so much for others. There are still ratings to consider and what better way to get ratings than to not "rock the boat". For several years I have realized that Oprah only goes so far on confessing her faith-and that's her right-but I think I, like some of you thought that she believed in God. Apparently this Ms. Williamson is sadly misled and leading others astray. You are right to point out that we don't throw out the sinner with the sin-love the sinner, hate the sin. Thank you for bring brave enough to speak up-may God bless you abundantly.

Anonymous said...

Kudos to you Boothe for not being "Politically Correct".
The Truth is not always warm and fuzzy so therefore life is not always warm and fuzzy. That is what makes it real. Thank you for always being real in your blog Boothe! (even if it doesn't always make me feel warm and fuzzy...sometimes I even cry)

These Three Kings said...

wow!! that was so encouraging! I am praying with you for all oof the women out here...Satan is important for us to be on guard and to DAILY seek the TRUTH of the scriptures! so glad I found your blog

DVZ said...

Thanks for allowing comments from others' POV to stand. Dissent should not be silenced until the final trumpet call.... Such gnostics have and will continue to ensnare people. May we choose to live in such as way as to remember God made and died for all of us. This does not catch the Creator by surprise.

Megan at My Heart, My Home said...

Alls I have to say is "Get it girl!" :) That post was amazing. I completely agree with your thoughts on Oprah...she does tend to dive off the deep end of new-agey spirituality from a supposed platform of Christianity. Kudos on recognizing the impact she has on women and how that correlates with satanic influence. "With great power comes great responsbility." I wonder if Oprah is thinking of eternal consequences here?? I'm going right now to hear what the "course of miracles" is about. Thanks Boothe, God bless!

Anonymous said...


I have followed your story since weeks before sweet Copeland was born, and I still check in on y'all occasionally. Just wanted you to know that I am still praying for you and your family. God has you on my heart today and I am lifting you up to Him.

-Melissa in Colorado

Rachel said...

Hi Boothe. I know we don't know each other, but we know several of the same people I've been keeping up with your blog for months and months.

That being said, I'm not sure if you are ready or not, but a friend of a friend lost their baby last night at 24 weeks. Last year, they lost another baby girl at 23 weeks. Obviously, they are devastated and any encouragement you could offer, I'm sure would be appreciated. If you are interested, you can find their story at

Thanks, RP

Julie Keefe said...

thanks, boothe...i'm grateful for your insight and proud that you would so honestly and unashamedly warn other Christian women against this deception. we are already struggling with so much adversity...attacks come from everywhere...the last thing we need is a false religion endorsed by Oprah. Just give me Jesus...Just Jesus.

Rachel said...

Boothe- thanks for contacting the Malones. I appreciate it.

PS- They are in Nashville/ Franklin, moved here from Auburn about a year and a half ago.

Nikki said...

Hi there, I am just posting on the blogs of anyone who I think may be interested to let them know that Jen, who is adopting William from Liberia, is my Charity of the Month over at Blogs for a Cause. If you want your blog stylized and a chance to help Jen adopt William, check out

Rachel said...

Boothe, This comment is not abour oprah...I followed your story through the platt family. I recently had a son born with Trisomy 21, Your blog ministered to us when we were waiting the diagnosis of our son. I am writing to thank you for that and to ask if you could possibly talk to a good friend of mine today she found out her daughter 21 week,s Sadie Grace has Triploidy(69 Chromosomes) there is no chance of surrvival. if you could possibly talk to her or email her I think your could really minister to her in a way that only someone who has suffered the same can. My email in Please let me know if you might be able to speak with her. Thanks so much. Rachel Baxter

Rachel said...

my name is Rachel Baxter and i followed your blog through the platt family blog. My son was recently born with Downs syndrome and your blog was an encouragement to me. i have a friend whose daughter sadie grace was diagnosed with triploidy(69 chromosomes.) i was wondering if you might be willing to talk to over email or phone about your experience. the doc said she has no chance of survival less than 1% chance of being born alive. if you are up for talking to her please email me
Thanks for your faith,

Anonymous said...

I have an unrelated question.....I'm having a baby girl in 5 weeks and we still haven't decided on a name. I was wondering if it would be ok to ask the meaning behind you and your girls names.....? Here is my e-mail

Jenn said...

Boothe, I pray for you often & ache for your loss. You are deeply loved by Christ & I am thankful for His image in you. When you have the strength, I would love to hear an update on Sellers. Does she ask about Copeland? We have lost 2 dear people in the past year (one was a 12 yr old boy---a suicide death & the other was my 42 yr old sis-n-law & my 7 yr old---Will--- witnessed her dying body); so Will is very open about death & ponders many deep life & death things. I would love your perspective on this & how you share the beauty of life & death with her. It is an open topic in our home & comes up weekly.

Blessings as you take steps to "keep awake" in Christ. Many Hugs, too...
Jenn Roberts

Anonymous said...

Your blog was forwarded to me by a friend. My husband and I have recently found out that our baby girl has trisomy-18. I am 21 weeks along and I would love to talk to you. I don't blog, so I am not sure how all of this works, but I would love if you would email me at

Jaclyn said...

I haven't commented in a while and I just wanted to let you know that I am still praying for you all the time. I am specifically praying that the Lord would bless you with the pregnancy that I know your heart so desires.
I am forever changed by you and your sweet Copeland.
Thank you for continuing to share your heart.

Linda said...

I agree with you 100%! I have never been a fan of Oprah, yet I'm aware of what she is doing. It's so sad that her show will be the only thing that some women see, and those women will never fully understand the full Gospel of Christ. If one reader accepts Christ through this blog, your family will be blessed because of another soul in heaven.

duchess said...

Boothe, thank you so much for speaking the truth. I love your desire to spread God's word and you're very eloquent at doing so. It's funny that I found your post on Oprah because our pastor just did a sermon about her & her influence over our society with the book club recomendations. So many people are so easily led. Let's just pray that they can see that they're being led down the wrong path and that they realize it before it's too late.

Thanks again for not being afraid to speak up.
Have a wonderful Easter!

Anonymous said...

Dear Boothe, I hope you are doing well. I have just last week found your blog and have been so touched by your heart breaking blogs. I cannot imagine blogging while going through what you with through. I went all the way back to your first blog and read every single blog, I cried with each blog as if it happened today, I have lost two babies before birth, but cannot imagine birthing them and holding them only to give them up, you are a very strong women and yes we all question God at times but we still keep the faith that someday we will meet our angels again. Thank you for sharing your sweet Copeland with us.

MJ said...

I have had major struggles with my faith since my daughter's death 2 years ago. She was 24 and left behind twins that I am now raising. I was drawn to your blog. Your strength and faith amaze me. I have missed reading how you are, how you feel, what you believe. I hope you and yours find peace this Easter. Please blog when you can.

Anonymous said...

Praying for you Boothe!

Karen said...

I am praying for you today.

Jennifer said...

Your story reminds me of a book I just read called "Prison to Praise" by Merlin Carothers. He tells about his life and how the Lord showed him to praise Him even in the trials! God Bless you, your story has touched me so much!

Jenny said...

Just wondering how you are. I've followed your blog for months and have had you on my mind.

Thinking of you, Jenny

Anonymous said...

Hello, Sweet Boothe. Just checking in to let you know you are still on my mind, and so I pray for you often. I am hoping you are doing as well as can be expected. The Lord holds you, beloved daughter. He will never let you go.

Patience Leino said...

Thinking of you often these days. You & yours remain on my heart & in my prayers.


Erica said...

Are you still there? We want more, we want more!!!

Ashley @ pure and lovely said...

You have no clue who I am, but I found you through Christy Dean Crawford, a dear friend of mine. I am a fellow Auburnite as well.;) I wanted to let you know (at the risk of sounding a bit stalkerish) I found your blog yesterday morning and read all the way from the beginning until now. I was completely engrossed, as a mother and someone who feels she constantly fails to understand this God and who He is and what that means...but completely amazed at how you have managed to overcome so many hurdles and rise above it -using something that could be so easy to turn your back on God-to glorify Him.

You truly have a gift. Don't ever stop using it. You have already touched so many lives by sharing so transparently your journey with God, and you are inspiring me, to say the least, through your heart breaking story, to do more each day. I truly admire you and the way God is working through you. I wait anxiously to know the rest of your story with Him! Please don't ever stop sharing. My prayers are with you and your sweet family.

Thanks again,
Ashley Mills

pam said...

God's been putting you on my mind. He knows what you do not. Praying as He leads.

Jennisa said...

Hey Boothe!

I've been thinking about you lately! Hope all is well, my dear! :)

Karen said...

I must say AMEN. I have been leery of Oprah for some time...lots of things she says do not hold true...they just 'sound' good. There is no freedom without discipline...there has to be boundaries and guidelines...and Jesus secured our freedom. I am so blessed to have found this blog and God never steers me in the wron direction.

boltefamily said...


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