Tuesday, October 28, 2008

three weeks, 2 days

Tonight I realized it'd been six weeks almost since i last wrote on the blog and I felt compelled to put something down. I'm sorry. I suppose a part of me has wanted to sort of withdraw and just relax mentally. it's hard to believe that in a little over three weeks - three weeks from this Friday - we will be meeting our third daughter.

Even as I sat beside Sellers tonight while she "read" a Berenstain Bears book to me before bed, the whole time feeling the baby kick around at her sister's voice, it just doesn't seem real. I can hardly believe a few inches separate me from her now, let alone a few weeks' time. Every evidence is there to prove she's on her way... soon... but it still doesn't seem real.

Just for you to know the details, we are going in on Friday, November 21 for a c-section at noon (Nashville time). We will of course be posting pictures and sending updates as often as possible! I know for many of you this feels like it's as much a part of your own story - in its way - as it is for Conor and I. We, too, are anxious to see what marvels the Lord has up His sleeve. My only requests at this point are for a smooth, easy delivery. I've not yet had a baby who wasn't in the NICU (Sellers was delivered three weeks early due to an infection and consequently spent a few days there), so I am praying this will be my first!

If you get the chance, please go visit Youtube.com and watch Matt and Ginny Mooney's video documentary about their son, Eliot. I'm sure most of you have; it's fresh on my heart today because the Mooneys got to spend a few moments on "Oprah" this afternoon discussing their story. It wasn't nearly as long as they should've had to talk about that precious boy, but I can only imagine how many people have since watched the video and heard the Gospel proclaimed through the simplest terms: God loves to show Himself through weakness. I look forward to getting to meet Eliot when I've got Copeland back in my arms again.

More to come...

post signature


Diane Fay (littlealma) said...

Oh GOOD!!! I am so glad to hear from you!!! I have been wondering how you were doing, and was hoping "no news was good news"! So I rejoice with you that all is going well! Can't wait to see pictures of that new baby! (how about a preggers pic?) You will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers!

Hugs from Diane in Michigan

jackie said...

Thanks for the update, Boothe! We'll certainly be praying for you and this precious baby.

Thank you again for letting us peer in to your world.

Courtney said...

Once again, so excite that Kyle and I will be here! It was great seeing you guys on Sunday. Hope Selly is feeling better.

daniella said...

I don't blame you for not writing; when I was in my third trimester I could barely walk without bumping into a wall or any 3D object, let alone blog. It's a miracle my baby didn't come out with a concusion :-)

I'll be praying for you. I remember when I was on the operating table delivering my daughter via c-section I just kept singing "The Lord is my light and my Salvation. Whom (or what) shall I fear? Whom shall I fear?" My anesthesiologist thought it was the effects of the drugs by I didn't care..and knew better.

Good to hear you're doing well, and can't wait to "meet" the newest member of your precious family.

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

Hi, Boothe... :) My husband asked about you yesterday. I'll be sure to let him know you updated.

Thanks for the latest. I'll be praying!

Unknown said...

I have to say reading your blog has brightened an incrediably bad day!. I am so happy for you and your family, what an amazing miricale you all are!. I will continue to pray all goes well for the birth of your little girl.

(South Africa)

momof4dragons said...

Boothe, we're so glad to see your update. November 21 seems so near! Enjoy watching Sellers "read," and all of those little things that are more difficult to do with an infant in the house. Please tell Sellers Piper says hi. We look forward to future updates. Love you.

Laurie in Ca. said...


Wow, I am so glad to check in this morning as I do every day and find you here and posting. I am glad that you have been resting and getting ready to meet this princess. I can't wait to meet "my" little girl either:) (And find out the perfect name you have picked out for her) Sellers and Copeland will be big sisters to a very special little girl and I am so happy for you and Conor. Have a blessed week. Also, Matt mentioned that they may be back on Oprah this Friday if you didn't already know. I love you girl and am praying for the most wonderful delivery day for you.

Love and Hugs, Laurie in Ca.

The Nebrigs said...

you and your family will be in our prayers. We love you all!

sarahdodson said...

Glad to hear you're doing well. Lord willing, you'll soon be holding your precious new baby!

Anxious AF said...

So good to read an update. Hoping you are home with your girls on thanksgiving!

Wade's World said...

I'm so glad to read an update on you. Please keep us posted about the baby. We will be praying for y'all!

Kara said...

Thank you for the update Boothe! I will be praying for you and your family! Can't wait to meet another precious baby girl!

Anonymous said...

You all are in our prayers.
It's good to get an update, I thought of your story yesterday when watching Eliot's story on Oprah. Thanks for letting us join you on welcoming baby #3!

Marie Lanathoua said...

Boothe, thanks for sharing your journey with all of us. Lot's of prayers for you!

With love,


christi said...

i cant imagine all the emotions that you must be going through at this time. please know that that you and your family are in my prayers and we can't wait to meet this new little one the Lord has blessed you with!

blessings ~

lindsay said...

I'm so glad you're back!! Hope we'll be able to introduce our babies to each other one day! I don't have a scheduled arrival for our boy but I'm hoping it's any day now too! I was so excited about the Oprah segment and so glad to hear the truth of the Lord spoken on her show!!

Anonymous said...

Boothe once again congradulations to you and Connor, may all go well, we can' t wait for posted pics, and praying that God will see all through, your still on our prayer list at church.

Love in Christ,

Will go to you tube

Heather said...

I am so glad you posted! I will be praying that you will have a safe, smooth delivery and that your little girl will be healthy and happy. God is good!

Anonymous said...

Booth and Connor - so glad to see your update!! you've been in my thoughts and prayers lately and I'm praying for blessings on the baby, you and your delivery as you await this very special little one. Love, Leah from Seattle

Sarah-Jane said...

so glad to hear from you. funny how you get attached to people you really don't even know:) Do the Mooney's have a website? How do you see the video?
Thanks, thinking of you and the inches and weeks to come.

Sarah-Jane said...

I found it:) thanks.
tears, and tears.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for dropping us a line, Boothe. I've missed you. I'm glad things seem to be going smoothly. I hope your heart is calm and rejoicing.

Still praying for you, precious mother.

Jaclyn said...

SOOO excited for you! I can't wait to see pictures of your 3rd baby girl!

Karen said...

Boothe...I have been praying for you and your family since I got an email from my cousin Katie Beall over a year ago asking for prayer for you and sweet Copeland. I nver leave comments b/c honestly I usually feel like anything I say will sound trite and I never know what to say! I was ecstatic to hear about your new little one coming soon. I literally check your blog everyday...sometimes twice. I actually linked yours up on mine b/c I go so frequently:)

Today I feel compelled to ask for a favor. One of my dearest friends in the world just found out that she is now walking a path very similar to yours with Copeland. They were told on Mon. that their baby girl not only has a syndrome where her brain hemispheres failed to divide, but she also has either Trisomy 13 or 18...she will have an amnio to figure out which it is. I am at a loss as to how to love on her and encourage her. She and her husband left Murfreesboro and our church, Fellowship Bible, which is an amazingly close body, to go to Seminary in Dallas. They felt called and they obediently went. Now they are there w/o their close friends and I would give anything just to hug her. I can't imagine how busy you are. If you have the time, could you pray for her and maybe give me an idea of what is NOT helpful to say and do and what COULD bless her!

I will continue to lift you up before the Father! I can't wait to see pics of your beautiful little blessing!

Karen Kramer

My Friend Rebekah's blog is linked on mine, but the address is:

my email is: karenpkramer@gmail.com

thanks for reading Boothe!!

Anonymous said...

I check everyday to see if you've updated! I'm so glad to hear things are going well and about the upcoming delivery of baby #3!

seven is enough said...

So glad to get an update ! I thought I remembered that you were due around this time. Praying for a very quick, painless delivery , and for a healthy little girl that can stay out of NICU !!

JUST A MOM said...

SUCH GREAT NEWS!!!!! can't wait.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for writing and updating us. God Bless you in your last few weeks of pregnancy and when you go in for your c-section. I am anxiously awaiting the good news!

sumi said...

Nice to hear from you, Boothe.


Randi said...

I am so glad to hear from you. Trust that the Booth family in MA will be praying hard for your family.

Anonymous said...

I am so excited for you that your precious little one is so near! I also have to just remind you - yet again - how your blog has ministered to me. Just last week, we found out at our 20-week ultrasound that our little boy, Jack Hayden,is completely healthy! Before our ultrasound, I continuously thought of your post titled "Help me with my unbelief". I was so nervous, so scared and fearful that we would get bad news again - like we did at London's 20-week ultrasound (HLHS). Although we saw Jack's heart at 14 weeks and knew he had 4 chambers, I was still so nervous that something might be wrong. Your story has helped me get through this scary, yet wonderful time of having hope and excitement again for a healthy baby. Thank you, and I will be thinking of you often as November 21 draws near!!

Ashlee Tomes

Courtney said...

hi boothe-

i have thought of you often over the past year. my barron was born about a week after copeland and i had followed her story during that time.

just know you are in my prayers.

can't wait to "meet" your newest precious daughter:)
courtney drake lankford

Sunshine said...

OK I have no idea what happened to my comment or where it went - so sorry if you get two from me - I just wanted to tell you how excited I am for you and your sweet family - and that my family will be praying for yours! Sunshine

Emily said...

It's good to hear from you. It means more than words just to have you continue to share your journey and your thoughts. It's been 16 months since we lost Miller Grace... and we're about 16 weeks into this new pregnancy... and more often than not, it just doesn't feel real. I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one. And I'm thankful for the opportunity to pray for these little ones, just as we did for our girls before. God is so incredible, isn't He?

sarah said...

I am so happy for you and praying for a safe and uneventful delivery! I too just had my first with out the NICU and it was such a blessing to have my little one with me from the get-go. A planned C-section is so much easier than an emergency one! I couldn't believe how fast I healed and how good I felt without all those other drugs pumped in me. I have been following your story and I am looking forward to meeting your little blessing via your blog soon!!

Kitty Brown said...

Thanks for the update -- we're praying for you guys.

sunset pines farm said...

So glad to read your update. Praying for peace during the next 3 weeks, and for a perfect, healthy baby. What could be a more appropriate reason for Thanksgiving??

Katie said...

Thanks so much for updating. Praying for you and yours in the coming weeks! :-)

Candy said...

You all continue to be in my prayers. I knew the day was coming soon, but didn't realize it was that soon! I will pray for as uncomplicated a delivery as possible and for no NICU visit. I cannot wait to see God's plans for this little one!

Kelly said...

Praying for you and your family!

We too, have 3 beautiful girls. Aspen who is 3, Liberty who went to be with the Lord at 5 months, and Cheyenne Hope, who is 3 months!

I would love to get to know you better..if you have time you can shoot me an email.. momleavingalegacy@yahoo.com

Your family will be lifted up in our prayers as you are about to welcome another miracle! God bless!


Unknown said...

I was checking in on you and I realized we are delivering on the same day and I bet at the same hospital!! I'm delivering at 7a.m.... I am imagining Eden and Copeland watching their baby sisters enter the world together... Hopefully we can visit while we're in the hospital... I'll be thinking of you...

Ericka Maple

Unknown said...


So glad to hear your little one is coming soon...just so happens that is my husband's birthday...so I will be reminded to keep you in my prayers on that special day...What a precious family you have. Thank you for letting us all be a part.

Vic said...

I found your blog through Kimber's blog and I wanted to say you're in my prayers. I believe God will answer prayer and he will provide miracles. Remember he loves you and I wish you the best of luck. Keep your head towards God's love.

Anonymous said...


Witt's Family said...

Hello Boothe,
You stopped by our blog a couple of weeks ago. At that time we were told that Witt had Trisomy 18. Steadly Witt's health improved and his tests showed a rare partial Trisomy 1. We believe God has used Witt to show us his glory and to witness to the world. Tommorrow Witt will be headed home with Mom and Dad. Thank you for your encouragement and prayers when it appeared there was little hope. God's blessings to your family and we know that your baby is God's perfect creation. Luphers and McCord Families

Karen said...

Praying for you, Boothe.

Anonymous said...

Boothe, Conor and Sellers,

Your in my thoughts, hope all is well. Happy and prayful thoughts always.

God Bless

Marie Lanathoua
Lake Arrowhead, Ca

Laurie in Ca. said...

Stopping in this afternoon to let you know I think about you frequently and am praying this next week, your last week, will be peaceful and gentle as you prepare to meet your new little girl. I am so thankful for being allowed to walk and pray this journey with you and Conor and Sellers. Asking God to pour out His blessings all over you today and the days to come. I love you Boothe.

Laurie in Ca.

Jen said...

Only a week to go, Boothe! I can't wait to meet her and learn her name.

Thinking of you, praying for you, loving you. Be blessed.

read2kds said...

Only 6 more days!! Praying for an easy delivery and more joy than you can stand! God is so faithful!

Amy in NC

Laurie in Ca. said...

Wow Boothe,

Only 6 more days to go until you meet your new baby girl. I am so excited for you and am praying for the most blessed time in the delivery room as you meet her. May Gods peace be all over you and His joy fill your hearts. I love you.

Laurie in Ca.

Sarah-Jane said...

thinking of you and that sweet little girl that is about to arrive. Praying for that day and all the emotions it will entail. I'm sure you are so excited and anxious all at once.
Look forward to meeting her via the blog!!

KrazyMom said...

One more week!!! We will continue to pray for your family! Can't wait to check in for updates.

Jessica Kenney said...

praying for your family!!! we are excited to meet that sweet baby girl!

Katie said...

So excited to "meet" your new addition next week. Praying for a safe and happy delivery. :-)

Purifoy Family said...

I will be praying for your precious girl to arrive safely. Also, praying for sweet moments as you reflect... that you wouldn't be overcome with sadness, but able to truly enjoy the joy of your 3rd daughter as she enters the world!

Julie said...

Thinking of you...and sending many prayers. Can't wait to hear of the birth of your sweet little girl!

Rob and Amy said...

Happy almost Birthday to the new little one!!!!!!!!

Hannah Elisabeth said...

please let us know when the baby is here, etc. you and your family are so cute!

AmberLCook said...

Hi, my name is Amber Cook & I recently found your blog. I am 27 weeks preg. with baby #2. I found out a few weeks ago that the dr. thinks the baby has Trisomy 13 or 18. I know that you are expecting in a few days, but once you are on your feet again I was wondering if you would mind talking to me. I am a christian also. This is such a stressfull time. Your blogs are truly inspiring. Good luck with this birth.

Jami said...

Praying for you and your family as you near your baby's birth. God Bless!!

Sophia said...

Hi Boothe,
We don't know eachother but I randomly landed on your blog some time ago and have read it a few times since then.
I will be praying for you that your Monday delivery goes smoothly and that your little girl will be perfectly healthy and not need NICU.
Blessings to you and your family. THe Lord has blessed you with your abilities to write and your stories of Copeland will reach many. I know it touched me.
Good luck Monday!


Sophia said...

Hi Boothe,
We don't know eachother but I randomly landed on your blog some time ago and have read it a few times since then.
I will be praying for you that your Monday delivery goes smoothly and that your little girl will be perfectly healthy and not need NICU.
Blessings to you and your family. THe Lord has blessed you with your abilities to write and your stories of Copeland will reach many. I know it touched me.
Good luck Monday!


Anonymous said...

How are you? It's been a while.

Laurie in Ca. said...

Hi Boothe,

Just thinking about you and want to let you know I am praying for you as I believe the new baby will be here tomorrow, if my calculations are correct:) Peaceful delivery and healthy baby girl is what I am praying for here. I am excited for you and asking the Lord to surround you and Conor and Sellers with His perfect peace. I love you guys.

Laurie in Ca.

Tonia said...

It looks like tomorrow is your daughter's birthday. I am thinking about you and praying for a wonderful day for you all!!

Katie said...

Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers for a happy and safe delivery tomorrow and no NICU stay! God bless you and yours! :-)

I am so, super excited to "meet" your newest addition!

Anonymous said...

Good luck tomorrow!!

Yvette said...


I was thinking about you today, realizing tomorrow is the day your 3rd little girl will be born. I can only imagine how excited you must be knowing that this little girl is here to stay --- the Lord has so abundently blessed you for your faithfulness to Him. Thank you for sharing Copeland with the world. As you know, through your blog I met Angie and what a sweet friend she has become.

Please know that you will be in my prayers all day tomorrow. I can't wait to see pictures.

Love, Yvette

Malena said...

Good luck tomorrow!

Jen said...

Thinking of you today and tomorrow, Boothe. I can't wait to 'meet' her!

Jenny said...

Thinking of you and sending you love and prayers as you prepare for tomorrow. Can't wait to see your new baby girl. Thank you for continuing to share your story with all of us.

Anonymous said...

Praying for you tonight and tomorrow!

Michelle said...

Good Luck tomorrow. You will be in my prayers.

Allen said...

Oh my god, there's so much worthwhile information here!
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